Notes from a 12 Man
A Truly Biased History of the Seattle Seahawks
by Mark Tye Turner

From the Publisher
The Seattle Seahawks retired the number 12 in honor of the "Twelfth Man" -those fans who remain loyal no matter what. Written as a series of small essays and lists, Emmy-winning writer/producer (and Twelfth Man) Mark Tye Turner infuses the book with same sort of sly humor he brought to his scripts for Talk Soup and Blind Date. This passionate "fan-oir" covers the team's greatest victories and best players, along with the dreadful defeats and the Hawk Hall of Shame. Plus the team's place in pop culture history.

My thoughts
If you love the Seattle Seahawks, you'll love this book! It's loaded with All Things Seahawks, from the most and least memorable games to the most and least memorable players; from the coaches we loved to the coaches we despised to Coach Holmgren. (Oh wait, there I go again!) The book accurately portrays ownership issues from the respected Nordstroms to the "OverBehring" Ken Behring to the man who brought respectibility back to the Seahawks, Paul Allen.

And the best part is that the stories are brought to us from the arm chair, sports bar and stadium seats of a die hard Seahawks fan!

For those of you who live and die by Seattle Seahawks football, the stories will be familiar, however even the most loyal fans will find surprising statistics and stories sprinkled throughout the book. If you're a Seattle baseball fan (not that I'd know about that!) you'll have a few bonuses as you read these pages. This is definitely a book that belongs in the Seahawks shrine in your home!

Favorite Passage
As special teamer Art Kuehn comes in and whispers the play to Zorn, the quarterback appears agitated, and his body language toward the Seattle bench screams “angry.” Falcons witnessing this demonstration no doubt think Zorn is mad that he won’t have a chance to pick up the first down like he did earlier in the quarter. But as my old drama teacher Georgie Johnson would say, acting is all about the sale. And on sale tonight: famously fooled Falcons. As Atlanta completely expects the field goal attempt, the stocky Herrera fakes the kick and runs up the middle. Zorn, who is the holder, lofts the ball into Efren’s awaiting arms for a 20-yard reception.

Date Read
September 2009

Reading Level
Easy read

On a scale of one to three: Three