Hard Eight
A Stephanie Plum Novel
by Janet Evanovich

From the Publisher
The #1 bestselling phenomenon continues in the eighth Stephanie Plum novel. The stakes get higher, the crimes get nastier, the chases get faster, and the men get hotter.

This time Stephanie, Morelli, Ranger. Lula, Valerie, and Grandma Mazur are strapped in for the ride of their lives. Stephanie is hired to find a missing child. But things aren't always as they seem and Stephanie must determine if she's working for the right side of the law. Plus, there's the Morelli question: can a Jersey girl keep her head on straight when more than just bullets are aimed for her heart? And with the Plum and Morelli relationship looking rocky, is it time for Ranger to move in for the kill? Janet Evanovich's latest thriller proves that Hard Eight will never be enough.

My thoughts
OK, well, I admit: I'm addicted to these books! They are soooooooo not my preferred genre, yet they have an addictive quality! They are trashy and ridiculous and a waste of time ... but what a hilarious waste of time! If you ever need a break from the realities of life, hole up with a Stephanie Plum book! Be shocked, be surprised, roll your eyes, say 'oh my!' occasionally, and fall in love with Ranger yourself!!!

Favorite Passage
Mabel's eyes filled up again, and I was really hoping she wasn't going to flat-out cry because I wasn't great with big displays of emotion. My mother and I expressed affection through veiled compliments about gravy.

Date Read
September 2009

Reading Level
Easy read

On a scale of one to three: Three