Heroes III
by Chris Greenway

From the Publisher
Coming as soon as the book is officially published!

My thoughts
This is the third in a series of books written by my Aussie friend, Chris Greenway. Like Heroes and Heroes II, the book is not for sale. YET!! I'm encouraging Chris to get published and I hope one day he will be! Heroes III will not let you down! Actually as I write, the book is not finished. Chris sends me chapters as he finishes writing the third and last book of the Heroes series.

The book picks up where Heroes II left off, right in the middle of an adventure! Chris' writing gets better and better with each book, and there's certainly no lack of action! Chris asks me who my favorite characters in the books are, and all along I've said that Wing was my favorite. However I've taken a liking to the character named Spirit, and I'm hoping against hope that he is a survivor by the end of the book! Chris, are you listening to me?!?! :-)

There is a surprise in that one of the main characters dies in the third book. It's like losing a dear friend. I can't imagine how it must feel to Chris, who developed the character and breathed life into him, to have him meet his fate. How sad!

If there's a negative to this book it's that the violence and language are stepped up in comparison to the first book. I talked with Chris about this and he explained that it's necessary to illustrate the evil of some characters. OK, I can live with that, but for me it was more graphic than I'd have preferred.

Favorite Passage
This time for an example of a passage, I thought I'd give you a fight scene since I gave you a softer passage when I reviewed Heroes II.

Ceta dragged a stumbling Flame along in his wake. The Adventurer girl had never seen anything quite like Ceta as he was at this moment. He flowed through attackers, the blades of his fighting stick and sword trailing blood as he mercilessly cut down anyone who challenged him. “There!” Flame shouted, pointing to a high archway. “Those are Ping’s chambers.”

Ceta whirled gracefully and pounded through the archway. Flame limped and trailed breathlessly behind the Goddavainian.

They skidded to a halt on the polished marble floors as the two big Westlanders standing guard on the doors leveled their weapons. Ceta brought his fighting stick and bloodstained sword around to bear and Flame drew her own twin blades. “Open it!” Ceta commanded.

The men looked confused. They did not know this handsome foreigner, but strange things happened when you guarded the Godhead of Mondragora.

“Who are you?” one challenged Ceta.

“Your death if you don’t open that door right now.” the Goddavainian spat.

The men exchanged a glance and advanced on Ceta.

The prince shrugged and said “Your funeral.” then he whirled into them. Neither of the men had ever seen a Canabodian fighting stick and did not know how to defend against it. As he brought it into play Ceta withdrew the spear blade and slipped the shaft down his fingers. The blunt end touched the guard’s throat and he grinned, believing Ceta had miscalculated. His joy turned to shock as there was a clicking sound and the keen spear blade of the fighting stick slid into his throat. Ceta withdrew it and leapt at the second guard. He used his sword to knock the man’s blade aside and drove the fighting stick into the unguarded chest of the guard. He kicked the man aside and removed his fighting stick.

Date Read
July 2004

Reading Level
Easy read
I can't tell you how long it took me to read this one because it came in bits and pieces, but it's good enough that you'll want to read it quickly, start to finish without putting it down!

On a scale of one to three: Three