Hot...and bothered
by Michael Leunig

Michael Leunig's words and pictures were first published in Australia in 1965. He was born in Melbourne and now lives on a farm in north-eastern Victoria. Hot comprises pieces that have previously appeared in the Melbourne Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.

My thoughts
There's another new Leunig book on the market!!! I love it when that happens!

It's not even fair for me to review Leunig books because anyone who has read my reviews already knows that I'm going to sing praises of every Leunig book I can ever get my hands on! I love Leunig!

As always, I readily admit that I don't understand all the cartoons nor do I agree with all of them. This particular book is politically charged with plenty of slams on the Prime Minister and ample protests of war. Agree or not, between the political pages are priceless reflections on life by way of the duck. And that makes the book worth reading.

Favorite Passage
Maybe I'll scan this one of these days as the drawing is the Leunig style that I like best, but the cartoon text is simple enough and goes like this:

Mavis darling, there's been a dreadful terror attack: the snails have eaten all my lettuce seedlings.

That's it. I love it.

Date Read
December 2007

Reading Level
Easy read

On a scale of one to three:Three