From the Frontlines of Global Health

by Elizabeth Gilbert

From the Publisher
Impact: From the Frontlines of Global Health offers a sweeping look at the state of the world’s health. National Geographic photographer Karen Kasmauski’s powerful images, created over the past 15 years, document both the suffering and the heroic efforts of scientists and healers to alleviate that suffering and improve health around the world. The text, by award-winning medical writer Peter Jaret, points out the appalling disparities that exist between the haves and the have-nots—and highlights sweeping new initiatives to bridge that gap through forging unorthodox coalitions. The authors depict the forces that have made the world so vulnerable to the spread of new or reemerging diseases—from overpopulation and environmental disruption to the chaos of war and the mass movements of refugees—as well as newly reinvigorated efforts around the world to find creative and practical solutions.

My thoughts
This may be easy reading as far as the skill level required to read the book, but it's not easy reading if you factor in the emotion that will come across as you read the text and look at the photographs. This is a book that covers the subjects we'd often prefer to pretend didn't exist.

It's a total disservice to this book and the authors that I picked up this book for a dollar at The photography is amazing and the commentary is something we all should be reminded of from time to time.

Date Read
September 2008

Reading Level
Easy read

On a scale of one to three: Three