by Michael Leunig

From Barnes & Noble
"Insights and outbursts on a heroic scale, including lots of ducks."

My thoughts
By now you know that I'm a Leunig fanatic. His work never ceases to amaze me. This book includes the artwork that was selected to be on display at the National Gallery of Victoria. How I wish I could have seen the exhibition in person! A lot of the cartoons in this book are already familiar to me, having seen them in other collections of his work but I never tire of seeing them arranged differently, nor do I tire of talking about his talent. He's a remarkable, complex individual and though I often don't understand his work, when it hits home it's fantastic - both simplistic and complex at the same time.

Favorite Passage
My favorite cartoon in this book is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It's the snake charmer, charming a happy snake out of his basket. Behind the snake charmer is another basket filled with straight, stick-like snakes. The basket has sign that reads, "Too hard basket".

I suppose I love it because I have my own "too hard" baskets.

Let me also share a poem in this book:

When the heart
is cut or cracked or broken
Do not clutch it
Let the wound lie open

Let the wind
From the good old sea blow in
To bathe the wound with salt
And let it sting

Let a stray dog lick it
Let a bird lean in the hole and sing
A simple song like a tiny bell
And let it ring

Date Read
July 2004

Reading Level
Easy read
I can read a Leunig book start to finish without getting up even once, but they're much better enjoyed over time, again and again and again.

On a scale of one to three: Three