Jesus Loves Me
by Calvin Miller

From the publisher:
All Christians know this song. Many grew up singing it. Even now, the familiar notes are no doubt sounding in your mind: "Jesus loves me...this I know...for the Bible tells me so..." But have you ever stopped and actually thought about the meaning behind those words? No other song more succinctly and plainly states the basic elements of faith than this simple hymn. Within those three words and the rest of the song are found the basic tenets of Christianity. We learn this as a child. But as we grow older, and the cares of the world begin to invade our days, we slowly forget. We allow the complications of life to supersede the simple fact of God's enduring grace. In Jesus Loves me, author Calvin Miller seeks to remind believers of the foundational and abiding truths contained in this children's hymn by exploring it verse by verse, including the little-known second and third stanzas. Using his own moving illustrations, as well as quotes from Scripture, well-known writers, and historical figures, Miller lovingly paints a picture of a God who loves us first and will love us last, even in the midst of our everyday grind. Problems at home? Yes, but Jesus loves you. Problems at work? Perhaps, but Jesus loves you. Problems with money, children, love? Yes, yes, yes...but Jesus loves you. A book to share with others and give with joy, Jesus Loves Me will deepen your understanding of God's love and inspire you to a deeper faith.

My thoughts
First of all, I want to thank my dear friend Bert for giving me this book. He is so generous and so filled with the love of God. What an inspiration he is to me.

Which makes it all the harder for me to write this next part.

As much as I wanted to like this book, it just didn't do anything for me. I've tried reading a chapter a night, reflecting on the text, trying to honestly answer the questions at the end of each chapter, listening, soul searching. And I've gotten a bit out of the book. I think. But overall, I don't know, this book just isn't doing it for me. We'll call it my own little quirk or something. Calvin Miller has an excellent reputation as an author and motivator, so we'll just assume that the timing isn't right for me to read this book and leave it at that.

Date Read
July 2005

Reading Level
Difficult read:
Most of the books I've reviewed this far have an easy reading level to them but because I've struggled so much, I'm putting this one at a difficult level. Not because of big words or unreadable text, but because I think it takes a willing heart to hear what's being said.

On a scale of one to three: One