One Year Through the Bible
365 Devotionals to lead you through God's life-changing Word in a year

with devotions by David R. Veerman and Daryl J. Lucas

From the Publisher
Cultivating the discipline to connect with God in a meaningful way can be difficult. Reading the Bible in a year can be a daunting task. But with The One Year Through the Bible Devotional, it is a very attainable goal. Why? Because The One Year through the Bible Devotional guides you through the Scriptures on a daily basis. Just read the daily scripture passage and devotional and two pages. You will read the Bible through within a year and understand it in a deeper, more personal way. Most importantly, you'll have an enriched Christian life because you'll have taken the time every day to seek God's guidance from his Word.

My thoughts
This isn't my favorite devotional of all time because I don't think the tie-ins to the scripture reading are always applicable, but if you want to become familiar with the Bible and examine yourself through a short devotional each day, this is a very good starting place.

Favorite Passage
What separates Christians from the rest of the world is love. If you belong to Christ, love others as he loved you. Help people when it's not convenient. Give of your resources even when it hurts. Devote your energy to others' welfare rather than your own, and absorb hurts from others without complaining or fighting back. This kind of love does not come naturally.

Note: Picture shown is not the same cover as the book I own.

Date Read
Oct 2009

Reading Level
Easy read.

On a scale of one to three: Two