Travel as a Political Act

by Rick Steves

From the Publisher
Travel connects people with people. It helps us fit more comfortably and compatibly into a shrinking world. And it inspires creative new solutions to persistent problems facing our nation. We can’t understand our world without experiencing it. Traveling as a Political Act helps us take that first step.

There’s more to travel than good-value hotels, great art, and tasty cuisine. Americans who “travel as a political act” can have the time of their lives and come home smarter—with a better understanding of the interconnectedness of today’s world and just how our nation fits in.

In his new book, acclaimed travel writer Rick Steves explains how to travel more thoughtfully—to any destination. He shares a series of field reports from Europe, Central America, Asia, and the Middle East to show how his travels have shaped his politics and broadened his perspective.

My thoughts
I don't necessarily agree with all of the politics that Rick Steves shares, but I greatly admire him for being able to explain why he feels strongly about the political issues in a succinct, thoughtful and respectful manner. He produces convincing arguments for his positions, and I have a great deal of respect for him.

This book doesn't mince words. I think it's risky for him to publish it and risk offending some of his clients. However Rick's feelings are passionate and are based on his wide travel experiences in meeting people around the world. He is an ambassador, and if he tells me we're doing it wrong, I'm going to think long and hard about it before I make up my own mind.

This is not a book for wimps. Sometimes the truth is hard and cold. Read my favorite passage in the book below and you'll see what I mean.

If I have one complaint about this book it's that the binding fell apart by the time I reached page 88. I took it back to Borders and they swapped it out for a new book. I didn't have any trouble with the binding on the second book, so perhaps it was a fluke the first time around. I had left the book in my car from 8am to noon on a very hot day, so perhaps the glue got too hot and melted. Regardless, a book binding should, in my opinion, hold up to heat. I was pleased that Borders was willing to give me a replacement because this is a book I want to keep on my shelf.

Favorite Passage
I believe if you’re going to bomb someone, you should know them first. It should hurt when you kill someone.

Date Read
July 2009

Reading Level
Easy read but you might spend some time reflecting on specific theories.

On a scale of one to three: Three