You Know You're a Republican Democrat if...
by Frank Benjamin

A bi-partisan laugh at what makes a Republican a Republican and a Democrat a Democrat. Whichever party you call your own, you'll laugh out loud and feel that your side comes out just a little bit better...

My thoughts
I laughed till I cried!!! I bought this book at Eisenhower Center after touring the Eisenhower home, museum, grounds, and memorial chapel. I spent a lot of time thinking about politics and war and the world ... and then I found this book in the gift shop and laughed all the way home! It was a very welcome surprise after an emotional day!

Favorite Passage
You know you're a Republican if...
You wouldn't mind if the Commonwealth of Massachusetts seceded from the Union.
You know you're a Democrat if...
You wish the Republic of Texas had never become a state.

You know you're a Republican if...
You can't stand your gay uncle, but you invite him to your son's wedding because he's rich.
You know you're a Democrat if...
You can't stand your rich uncle, but you invite him to your daughter's graduation party because he's gay.

You know you're a Republican if...
You can't fathom that Abraham Lincoln was actually a Republican!
You know you're a Democrat if...
You can't fathom that Abraham Lincoln was actually a Republican!

Date Read
October 2008

Reading Level
Easy read
It only takes a few minutes to get through the book ... IF you can stop laughing!

On a scale of one to three: Three