Edwin Bailey"I take great pride in my family. They are my primary source of motivation."

Fan Quote: Bill Ferren, Vol 1 No. 19 Inside the Seahawks "The 'Hawks aren't sharks, they're more like poisonous jelleyfish -- at times, filamet thin and whispy, but always with the potential to pack a knockout whallop."

Fredd Young "I keep to myself...I don't have to brag." Indeed he doesn't!!

Fredd Young "He was kinda little," he said of the Kansas City linebacker he dove over as he made a move which resembled Greg Louganis off the high-board.

Fredd Young Regarding the dd's in his name: "I did that before I went to college. My real name is Fredrick. I just did it to be a little distinctive."

Former Sea Gal Tina Ratliff"No! No! A million times no!! It made me nervous for the first game. I was hoping the Seahawks wouldn't score a touchdown because I was so nervous about remembering the routine."

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