July 10, 1985 Salina, KS to North Platte, NE
Bob worked out a deal with Jesse at work so he got off at 5:30. Yea! We both ran around as fast as we could and managed to leave Salina by 6:00. We grabbed a bite to eat at Wendy's in Salina. My stroganoff potato had no beef or sour cream, just mushrooms. Bob got an upset stomach from his hamburger. Just as we were at True Value in Salina they played Free Bird on the radio, therefore making it the Official Theme Song of Vacation IV.

Driving through Nebraska wasn't that bad. The irrigation was really beautiful and we saw a magnificent sunset. We had nice rest areas complete with free maps. At first we saw lots of corn fields but suddenly they disappeared and were replaced with lots of lake-things. Maybe reservoirs? We came real close to running out of gas at midnight in Nowhere, USA. Luckily we coasted into North Platte on fumes. The motel was OK except the A/C was noisy and I was too excited to sleep.

July 11, 1985 North Platte, NE to Rapid City, SD
Left North Platte around 7am. The first major event was the Dismal River scenic overlook in Thomas Co. It was neat the way the river gorged out such a definite channel. One area we drove
        through was similar to the Flint Hills. Saw a sign that read: Hay Harvesting Prohibited.
              Whatever! [continue reading...]